sábado, maio 08, 2010

"Hall of the Dead"

the great
stone walls
rise above our heads,

cold and sad
pale light,
a dusty veil

the sun makes its way in destitute, weak you're at my side again faithful guide unfailing, here we stand among the others the living among the dead

veins still flowing full
lungs filled with white light

push forward
lifeless bodies swept aside
they are on us

cast a net of armor
over our heads
hide our life
lest it be
lifted from us

we must leave this place
of deathly decay

don't look back, press on

"Hall of the Dead"

O magnífico Wavering Radiant fez 1 ano há poucos dias atrás. Os seus autores, os absurdamente geniais ISIS, libertaram as letras no seu blog. Thanks guys!

2 comentários:

Pedro Alvim disse...


anauel disse...

Isto com as letras ganha outra dimensão!